Monday, September 17, 2007

Nap time - sweet, sweet nap time

My biggest decisions for the day tend to be what to do during nap time. It's a sweet reprieve of anywhere between 20 minutes and 2 hours that becomes mommy time. The trouble is, you often have no idea how long it will last.

So you end up rushing through just about any project you have. Or, you end up squandering it by surfing the Internet, checking the 6,000 new posts on Babycenter since you checked it two hours ago (I swear that is the most prolific message board I've ever seen!).
I usually do the latter. And then I think next time I'll be better. I'll wash out all those bottles that are piling up next to the sink, or start that load of laundry sitting in the hamper. Or better yet, take that much-needed shower and brush my teeth.

You'd think that would be a priority, but hell, who am I trying to impress? My baby doesn't care if I stink. In fact, she reeks herself with stinky formula neck. It's the telltale sign of a formula-fed baby - stinky neck. All you have to do is lean in and take a small whiff. Blech!

So here we are, two stinky peas in a pod.

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