Monday, October 1, 2007

My little unstoppable pea pod

I just read a story saying how dangerous it was to put your baby on their back to sleep. Well, it sorta said that. Of course, every new parent knows you HAVE to put your child on their back to sleep to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Being a first-time mom, I would hang my baby from a sling attached to the ceiling if they told me it would prevent SIDS. I'm scared witless of walking in her room at night to find ... I can't even write it. You know what I'm saying.

Anyway, this story talked about all the bad things that are happening now that parents are putting babies on their back to sleep. Essentially, their heads can flatten out if they spend too much time that way, and it can cause problems with their spines and hips. As if we parents didn't have enough to worry about.

But the end of the story is what really got me. They said to put the baby on their back and turn their head one way one night, and to the other side the next night. I have to laugh. I laugh at you, so-called experts. My baby doesn't even stay in the same ZIP code in her crib at night, not less with her head turned the same way. I come in, and she's at the other side of the crib, facing the other direction. And yet I never see her move like that when I'm in the room.

She must wait and the get the all-clear from her mobile teddy bear buddies (maybe the monkey is a spy, maybe that's his purpose!), and then start squirming. I hear lots of noise on the baby monitor, but as soon as I open the door, she's fast asleep, still as a log - and still swaddled. That's the amazing part, she can do all this while swaddled.

She's a stealthy one, my little Houdini of a pea pod.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I put Ella in one night with her head to the right, the next to the left. That lasted about a week. She is all over the place too. Now I swaddle her TIGHT and when she really wants to eat she will get out of it and move down about 6 inches. I watch her on the camera when we put her down and she is always moving her head even when she sleeps. I am a FTM and after her first week I had to leave her be. I keep her on her back and her crib is empty. I just can't deal with the thought of know. It is out of my hands. I have slept so much better since I realized this

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