Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The things for which no one can prepare you

There are certain things in life for which no one can prepare you. This morning, my little bug woke up at 6:30 a.m. after sleeping through the night. In celebration of this occasion, I look back on how unprepared I was.

No one can prepare you for the amount you will not sleep in the very beginning. I used to complain when I was pregnant about how terribly I slept the night before, waking up in the middle of the night to make a trek to the bathroom.

And yet, there would always be wry smiles from women who already had kids. And I thought, 'why are they laughing at me like that?' It's because they knew I had a shock in store.

It started in the hospital, when they would wake me every hour to check my vitals, even in the middle of the night. We sent out precious baby to the nursery at night so we could "sleep," but they kept bringing her back in!

I don't know what I was thinking before I had the baby. It was an utter shock for me to find out we had to feed her every three hours. I just thought parents didn't get sleep at night because their babies cried. Well, yeah, they cry because they're hungry every three hours or less.

Also, no one can prepare you for how much you will worry and the level of anxiety you'll feel in the beginning, thinking everything you do is wrong and that you'll ruin your baby for life. It's a painful and humbling feeling, especially for someone who is normally very confident in just about everything she does.

And to end on a good note, no one can prepare you for how much you will love you're child. You may not be IN love with him or her right away (due to the crying and the pooping and the nerves and such), but you will surely love that little pea pod and do whatever is necessary to protect him or her. You'll sit for hours, staring at your baby, wondering how you could have created life out of nothing, and why you were so blessed.

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